Saturday, April 23, 2011

Green Tea ::: Any Benefits?


Good day people~~~

"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one"

Yes, this is it. The topic for today. Somehow I found some good articles that across my interest and I thought that "Ah, why don't I share this with readers out there?" and something like that. It takes a while but, do enjoy my writing. ^,^

Green Tea. The great medicine in the world of herbs. Originated from China, the goodness of green tea has spread worldwide to the West, Asia countries such as Japan and South Korea and even in Malaysia. Some Malaysian do not prefer green tea because of its "unique" taste. I would agree to that because it has a complex "rare" taste compared to our common black tea. But when it comes to goodness and the benefits in which one's health is concerns, one would rather choose to drink it.

For those who are new to green tea and yet to taste it's goodness, the following info's might take your interest.
Well, for starter green tea is quit different with the general black tea such as BOH or LIPTON (these two brands are the most preferred black tea in Malaysia) in terms of the taste. If I were to describe the taste, I would say "fabulous"! I would admit that the first time I tried the pure green tea, it taste really bad that made me vomited.. Ahh, what a painful memory with green tea. But the second attempt, amazingly I became addicted to the taste. My friend said that some natural ingredient in the green tea somehow fix my sense of taste. Is it true? Until now I believed it was. You can try it by yourself. Who knows, maybe you could addicted to green tea as well? hehe..

Here are the benefits of green tea. Hope you guys would browse through it..^,^
  • Reduces the possibility of getting esophageal cancer (and other cancers as well!)
  • Lowers the cholesterol level
  • For smokers, it could prevent you from getting heart disease!
  • Great choice of nutrition food for dieters; it burns calories better than caffeine or placebo
  • Prevent tooth decay
  • Serves as skin lover extract; presents in most facial treatment products
  • Controls your blood sugar level, lessen the risk of getting diabetes as well.
It is made from a type of green tea leaf that scientifically named Camellia sinensis that was proven in many researches, contained the highest concentration of powerful antioxidants called polyphenols that destroys free radicals. Free radicals is a compound that damages your body cells and for some extent it will kill the cells.

 The green tea leaves. Type: Camellia sinensis

There are various ways of drinking green tea. Some preferred to enjoy the pure taste of green tea leaves because they believed that the goodness of it only came with pure taste.You can either pour hot water into a cup with fresh-picked tea leaves or a cup with table spoon full of milled tea leaves. Or you can simply put a green tea bag into a cup of hot water. It doesn't matter how you enjoy it as long as you could taste the goodness.

Chinese style of green tea

Japanese style of enjoying green tea. 
I would love to try this one if I were given a chance.

Modern style: packed green tea bag that come in handy.
Most appropriate for those who preferred the simpler way.

For those who are afraid to try the pure hand made green tea, you can try it in other ways. Currently in most Asian countries, green tea has been made into various kind of health products that you can easily find it everywhere in markets, pharmacies, health product stores or it could be in your toiletries.

Green tea can be enjoyed in various foods including beverages, cakes and sweets or even in dango (one type of Japanese sweet).
  • Green tea as beverages

  • Green tea as a flavor in cakes, snacks and dango!!

The Japanese traditional sweet: Dango

I would love to taste these delicious could it be? So, peoples! Try for a green tea for now you know the benefits and its goodness to your health especially for dieters! Hope this writing helps you guys in many ways.

Now, got to get some sleep. I hate to miss the chance to grab a cup of green tea in the morning...^0^ Reminder! Guys, green tea contains caffeine that as well presents in most coffees but not as much in coffees and other black teas. However, some time you will tend to get insomnia if you take too much of green tea in a day. Be careful with your choice of food and stay healthy guys~~

みんな, 元気だね~~

Foot Note:
I read it from various articles stated the benefits of green tea. I just re-summarize the contents from those articles, it's not my own work or research. Please don't credit me if you were to take out this info's and re-publish it. Instead, please give full credits to the writers. TQ~
  1. Rhonda Parkinson
  2. Green Tea
  3. Green_Tea
  4. Green Tea Truth

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